start up business business packA new start up business 'Lawns Matter' read some of our Facebook reviews and contacted us to have a chat to see what we could do for them. Well they needed something quick (as all new start ups do) so we sorted out their domain name and created a holding page. Next we sorted out their logo and brand. We then designed and printed flyers and business cards. These cards are printed on 400gsm card and matt laminated both sides, they ooze sophistication and quality. Best of all they only cost £40 for 250. Now we are working on a full website and the letterheads. If you need help with your start up business contact us and see how we can help. You might like to view some of other work or services #SmallBusinessTopTip - think of your business name and register it (if available) before you do anything else.

This client was in a bit of trouble, they were fast approaching their new launch and a lot of their material wouldn't be delivered in time. We went to see the client to see what the situation was...bad.

Their biggest concern was the website, they really needed it ASAP. We jumped at the chance to help out a fellow small business. Within 24 hours they had their new site. Hooray.


We have just launched a new site for Squareye Television.
The site incorporates video streaming which is handy as they are a television production company. Jon (the MD) is able to update the site with the latest news from his Iphone which is great as he is on location for most of his time.

Check out projects for more like this

We use the latest in hosting technology, offering both windows and linux services. Host either .asp / .aspx or .php. We offer WordPress and Joomla!
Prices start from as little as £60 per year. We have just invested in a top spec windows dedicated server.

Contact us to discuss your requirements [Contact us]

If you need help with your project

...or want to know more about how we can support your business needs,
please contact us for a chat. 01295 236 366, fill in the contact form below or find us on Facebook
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